Here’s how to crowdloan Kusama to get Moonriver high probability Parachain tokens!
Contribute Kusama (KSM) to the Moonriver Crowdloan. First and foremost… make sure that you are on the right website. There are a lot of sketchy actors out there and you don’t want to partake in their B.S.
Step 1) Go to the correct website
If you did not pre-register, you will have to click the ‘Pre-Registration’ link before you can contribute. Through this link you will have to fill out some documentation before being able to contribute. For those that follow The Crypto Lifestyle’s Twitter and Youtube channel, you should already be pre-registered. So all you need to do is, click “Start”.
Step 2) “Connect to Polkadot {.js}”. This is your Polkadot wallet. Now, you should already have one and the extension should already be loaded in your browser, because at The Crypto Lifestyle we are all about our Polkadot.
If for some reason you do not, please follow this link here for instructions *Remember to always save your private keys somewhere safe offline* and create a password to log in just like with Metamask.
Step 3) Select your Moonriver Crowdloan account and verify account.
Step 4) Enter your KSM address. Enter the amount of KSM you want to contribute. Designate a Moonriver address for rewards (this is an ERC-20 address, such as your metamask address).
Step 5) Sit back and enjoy. The “Transaction in Process” may take a few minutes and then will be followed up with “Transaction Successful”. Congratulations ladies and gentlemen, you just participated in the Moonriver Crowdloan!
Till the next Medium, you’re on your own. Laterrrrrrrr.